How much does it cost to be a KVBSA member?
Fees for joining the league can be found on the Registration page under Season Fees.
How do I sign up?
First, register your team by filling out the Team Registration, Team Contact, and Insurance Enrollment forms and pay the registration fee. Then as the season gets closer, you will register your coaches and players before you play your first game. For details, visit the Registration page.
Is there anything else I need to do to join?
In addition to registering your team, coaches and players, you must attend three league meetings. The league holds three general information meetings plus a scheduling meeting. The general meetings take place in December, January, and February. These meetings cover all the ins and outs of the league. Ideally, a member of each team should attend all three but at a minimum attend two of them - either one in December or January and definitely the one in February. In February and March, scheduling meetings take place for each age group. Teams MUST attend their scheduling meeting. This is the meeting when divisions are finalized and games are scheduled. Visit the Calendar page for the current meeting schedule.
How are the leagues structured?
The exact structure for each age group depends on the number of teams that sign up. We always have single age groups for the 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U and 14U teams. For 15U, we will create a single age group if enough 15U teams join. Otherwise, we include those teams in the 16U group. 18U is composed of 17U and 18U teams. Within these age groups, we will create divisions based on team strength and geography. For details, visit the League Structure Guidelines page.
When/how/where do I turn in my coach and player registration packet?
Packets can be turned in at any league meeting. Also, KVBSA schedules additional times and locations for dropping off paperwork and picking up baseballs. We usually try to be available one or two days in or around Ann Arbor, South Lyon, and Brighton. Visit the Calendar page for any scheduled drop-off times and locations. Coach and player registrations must be turned in and approved BEFORE you are allowed to play your first game.
When/how/where do I get my baseballs?
Baseball availability is dependent on the manufacturer. Depending on when they are delivered to the league, they will be available at the regular league meetings or at the times and locations scheduled for dropping off registration packets. Visit the Calendar page for any scheduled pick-up times and locations.
Can I get more baseballs?
Yes. Your league registration includes 1 dozen baseballs. If you want additional baseballs, notify Jeff David. Price depends on the age group you play in.
How do I report game scores, postponements or rescheduled games?
Please check out the Reporting Scores page.