2024 League Calendar

02/24/25 Scheduling Meeting for 8U and 9U
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Brighton High School
Attendance is required for all 8U and 9U teams. All fees are due.
02/26/25 Scheduling Meeting for 10U and 11U
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Brighton High School
Attendance is required for all 10U and 11U teams. All fees are due.
03/03/25 Scheduling Meeting for 12U and 13U
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Brighton High School
Attendance is required for all 12U and 13U teams. All fees are due.
03/05/25 Scheduling Makeup Date
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Brighton High School
Scheduling makeup date. If any scheduling meetings are cancelled due to weather, they will be made up on this date.
03/19/25 Scheduling Meeting for 14U
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Brighton High School
Attendance is required for all 14U teams. All fees are due.
04/12/25 Opening Day - 8U - 14U Early
Regular season runs through mid-July and season ends (all make-up games completed) on 7/31.
07/14/25 Regular Season ends - 8U - 14U
All original games must be scheduled prior to this date. Only make-up games may be scheduled after this date.
07/31/25 Season ends - All makeups must be completed - 8U - 14U
All make-up games should be played by this date. End date may be extended on an as needed basis.